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JENICE L. MALECKI, ESQ. is a well-known securities attorney with a uniquely diverse background and experience representing a wide range of clients in securities and commercial arbitration, litigation, and regulatory matters, from investors to industry professionals. She has successfully recovered tens of millions of dollars in securities related settlements and awards for her clients. As an aggressive litigator, her unique background enables her to see both sides of the dispute and anticipate the opposition. In her nearly thirty years of experience, Ms. Malecki has handled thousands of investor, intra-industry and employment matters, arbitrations, litigation proceedings and appeals, contested governmental, regulatory, and self-regulatory investigations and hearings, as well as mediations, settlements, Acceptance, Waiver and Consent Orders (“AWC”s) and whistleblower complaints. She has also represented investor and industry witnesses and cooperators before various governmental, regulatory and self-regulatory bodies in hearings and settlements. Ms. Malecki has represented clients all around the United States, many Western European countries, India, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Israel, Puerto Rico and in several South American countries.


Ms. Malecki has extensive experience in FINRA arbitrations from representing claimants and respondents to serving as an arbitrator and chairperson. She is also a trained mediator and has been qualified as an Expert Witness by FINRA arbitrators. Ms. Malecki has been a member of FINRA’s National Arbitration and Mediation Committee (NAMC), which advises FINRA’s Board of Directors. Ms. Malecki is a seasoned authority on New York securities law, frequently filing official comments for consideration on new securities-related rules and laws. In 2014, 2015, and 2019, she visited Senators and House of Representatives members’ offices to garner support for various legislation meant to protect investors. Ms. Malecki has advocated for the Investor Choice Act of 2013 on the floor of the House of Representatives, a fund for unpaid arbitration awards, and legislation similar to the Department of Labor’s “Fiduciary Rule” at the Senate.


Ms. Malecki is currently Co-Chair of the New York State Bar Association’s Commercial & Federal Litigation Section’s Securities Arbitration Committee and an Adjunct Professor at New York Law School’s Securities Arbitration Seminar and Field Placement. Ms. Malecki was a Vice President on the Board of Directors of the PIABA Foundation, an investor educational non-profit group with a mission to educate investors and provide the public with information about abuses in the financial services industry and the securities dispute resolution process. Ms. Malecki is a member of and has been on the Board of Directors (and an Officer of) the Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association (PIABA), the Securities and Exchanges Committee (SEC) at the New York City Bar Association and the New York State Bar Association. She has spoken many times at the Practising Law Institute (PLI), the New York City Bar Association, New York County Lawyers Association, Columbia Law School, Fordham Law School, Brooklyn Law School, St. John's Law School, New York Law School, and PIABA's annual year-end conference. She has participated as a judge at mock arbitrations at Yale Law School, Columbia Law School, Albany Law School, Fordham Law School and FINRA.


Ms. Malecki’s speaking engagements extend to appearing as an expert for many shows including the Wall Street Journal LiveNBC’s Today ShowFox Business NewsABC’s Eyewitness NewsBloomberg TelevisionChina TVEBR TV and several other syndicated shows and networks. She has also appeared on Steve Forbes’ in-flight radio show “ America’s Most Influential Women in Government, Technology, Business, and the Law ”, as well as an array of other nationally syndicated radio programs. She and her cases have been and continue to get cited in numerous industry publications, including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Forbes and Newsweek . The Wall Street Journal featured Ms. Malecki in a permanent educational video clip about the arbitration process at FINRA on its website.


Ms. Malecki’s experience as a New York securities attorney began in class-action litigation, having worked on the famed class-action case In re Crazy Eddie in the counsel’s office of the lead plaintiffs. Throughout the 1990’s she represented numerous broker-dealers and was instrumental in regulatory matters involving well-known “boiler room” stock fraud characteristic of the era — actually representing the progeny of the real-life “Wolf of Wall Street” that was the subject of a Hollywood blockbuster. In 1999, Ms. Malecki founded her own practice, Malecki Law, in Manhattan, which today employs multiple securities arbitrations, litigation and employment lawyers and staff.


A natural fit and complement to her securities work, Ms. Malecki has successfully represented clients in State, Federal and Appellate courts in various types of commercial and business disputes, including breach of partnership agreements, securities transactional disputes, employment disputes and contractual cases, against major and well-funded adversaries.



Contact Info:

Phone: (212) 943-1233 Ext: 1



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