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Myron Siegel is a lawyer, businessman and financial strategist. He earned a bachelor's degree in finance with a minor in accounting from Northern Illinois University, and also a Master's Degree (MBA) In Business Administration. He received his law degree from the prestigious John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Illinois.


Mr. Siegel is a member of the Attorney’s Real Estate Council of Broward County, Florida, an invitation only organization of the best real estate lawyers in the area.


Mr. Siegel is a well-known deal making lawyer with experience in real estate, title, finance, banking, significant multinational transactions, mediation and litigation. He maintains offices in Chicago, Illinois, several location in Florida.


He is a member of the Broward County Sheriff's Advisory Council, a prestigious organization of membership.


He is a certified mediator in Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois. He is a member of the American Bar Association and the Florida Bar Association.


He is a licensed Title Agent in Florida and Illinois and has a Real Estate Broker’s license in Florida and a Managing Real Estate Broker’s license in Illinois.


He is admitted to practice law in Florida and Illinois, is a member of the Federal Trial Bar, Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division and holds admissions to The United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, The United States Court of Claims, The United States Tax Court and The United States 7th Circuit Court of Appeals,. In addition, Mr. Siegel holds a Managing Real Estate Broker's license in Illinois and is a certified Chairman Arbitrator in the 18th and 19th Circuit Court Districts of Illinois.


Mr. Siegel is a trained mediator (Northwestern University) and is a member of the Association for Conflicts Resolution, the Association of Attorney Mediators and the American Arbitrations Association. He has mediated many cases to successful conclusion and also been engaged to represent parties involved in mediation as mediation counsel.

In his role as a skilled business lawyer, he is known in financial circles as a "veteran financial guru", he has negotiated, structured and assisted in obtaining funding for many acquisitions including: Ecco D'oro Foods Corporation; Harmony Foods Corporation; Savannah Manufacturing; Plystar Corporation; Filmquest Group; and, Ford Gum and Machine Company.


Mr. Siegel has served as a member of various boards including Harmony Foods, Ecco D'oro Foods, Filmquest Group, Plystar Corporation, Charter National Bank & Trust Company and Northern Illinois University.


In banking Mr. Siegel served on the board of directors, loan committee, audit committee and compliance committees of a nationally chartered bank. Mr. Siegel also served on the Hoffman Estate Economic Development Commission and was counsel to the World Trade Center- Chicago, Illinois.


Mr. Siegel has extensive knowledge in higher education garnered after serving 18 years on the governing board of the second largest university in the state of Illinois, writing its regulations and bylaws, establishing its new statutorily organized board of trustees and serving as its first chair.


He is also an experienced lobbyist, knows how to draft legislation, explain the legislation to the legislature, assemble sponsors, testify at legislative hearings and follow the legislation through the process.


Mr. Siegel has extensive experience in debtor/creditor issues, served as member of the private panel of bankruptcy trustees 1981-1984; and had handle bankruptcy cases, assignments for the benefit of creditors and composition plans.


Highlights of Mr. Siegel's representation follows:

  • Over 30-years’ experience in real estate title issues (Title)
  • Litigated various dispute about real property (Real Estate)
  • Prepared complex leases (Real Estate)
  • Represented borrowers in industrial development bonds. (IDB's).
  • Reviewed bank formation documents as possible investment in newly chartered national Bank.
  • Represented many business acquirers in acquiring mid-range non-core businesses from much larger entities (Mergers and acquisitions)
  • Advised many entities on lender workouts.
  • Was appointed a member of the private panel of bankruptcy trustees (1981-1986). Served as trustee, counsel to the trustee, creditors counsel, debtor counsel and special counsel to the trustee. (Bankruptcy)
  • Testified as an expert witness in litigation concerning bootstrap acquisition financing of businesses. (Financing)
  • Represented management in the acquisition of a bankrupt Belgian carpet manufacturer. (Multinational business)
  • Represented a United States hospital in negotiating financing from a Japanese manufacturer of health care products. (Multinational business)
  • Represented management in the acquisition of a candy and confectionery company from a Japanese conglomerate. (Multinational business)
  • Represented a Venezuelan distributor of health and beauty products in negotiating licenses of foreign made products for Venezuelan distribution. (Multinational business)
  • Engaged by an International Chemical Company to assist it in entering the premium food product markets in the United States. (Multinational business)
  • Negotiated supply agreements with Chinese and Mexican food product manufacturers. (Multinational business).
  • Represented an investment group to acquire a minor league baseball franchise and associated financial bonding.
  • Financial first aid and rescues; assisted troubled businesses, financial restructures (Workouts, assignments for the benefit of creditors, composition plans, bankruptcy, and bulk sales.)
  • Assisted in obtaining refinancing of existing businesses. (Finance and financial first aid)
  • Represented business owners in restructuring real estate acquisitions and developments. (Business first aid and financial rescue)
  • Served at mediation counsel to guide litigation counsel into a good settlement for the client. (Mediation)


Mr. Siegel has published several articles:

  • "Should Manufacturers Go Naked?" Design News.
  • "Guidelines Help Define Scope of Environmental Audits." Chicago Industrial Properties.
  • "The Newest Cost of Doing Business May Kill You." Metro Chicago Real Estate Magazine.
  • "Today's Laws Require Lenders to Play Cop." American Banker.
  • Labor/Employment Compliance Audits." Lake County Illinois Bar Journal.


In addition, Mr. Siegel has knowledge of electronics and communications and has a General Class Amateur Radio License from the United States Federal Communications Commission.



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Myron Siegel - America's Top 50 Lawyer - Real Estate Law - Florida

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