With his focus on environmental and natural resource extraction issues, if a matter involves air, land or water, Robert has relevant experience.
Also, as a landlord, home builder, real estate developer, and real estate investor, Robert’s decades of personal experience on matters of residential and commercial real property are now coupled with hundreds of cases in which he has helped others solve their real property problems.
Robert’s experience with contaminated sites dates to 1982 and includes various sites in the continental U.S. as well as Alaska. Mold, vapor-intrusion, leaking underground tanks, asbestos, lead paint and other commonly encountered environmental problems are matters he has helped solve for clients.
Robert has extensive experience with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.
Since helping to craft Alaska’s Air Quality Control Law decades ago, Robert has helped secure air permits, solve compliance issues, negotiate Consent Orders, and otherwise assist the regulated community understand complex air quality regulations.
Robert has substantial experience with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), environmental assessments or impact statements, and the many governmental reviews and authorizations to which large-scale resource development projects are subject.
Robert’s experience includes a stint with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 7 years with the Alaska Department of Law representing the “resource agencies” and 7 years as an adjunct professor at University of Alaska Anchorage College of Engineering teaching Environmental Law to scientists, engineers, policy-makers and similar graduate students.
Contact info:
direct (907) 222-7108
cell (907) 209-9593
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