Ryan Billings is a Wisconsin native who practices complex litigation, representing business entities in civil litigation, appeals and alternatives to litigation. Mr. Billings earned his undergraduate and law degrees from Ivy-League institutions before practicing for several years with Cravath, Swaine & Moore in New York City. He brings substantial experience to clients in business-critical litigation in regional, national and international settings.
Some of his high-profile cases include:
- Defeating an eight-figure counterclaim after an 11-day trial by convincing a jury that the firm’s client fully complied with the contract.
- Securing important ruling concerning the liability of commonly-owned companies in nine-figure antitrust action, resulting in settlement.
- Successfully representing Wisconsin businesses in recent antitrust case before the United States Supreme Court involving hundreds of millions of dollars in controversy.
- Securing injunction barring international reinsurance company from using his client’s cost models. Resulting settlement provided over $1 billion of new business for the client.
- Defending “Big Four” accounting firm against $1 billion lawsuit, establishing law of deepening insolvency.
- Defending Fortune 50 company against multiple shareholder class actions seeking billions of dollars in damages, resulting in favorable settlements.
- Securing order involving rare exercise of Wisconsin Supreme Court’s supervisory powers to address violation of client’s constitutional rights and vacate rulings of non-judicial referee.
- Defeating eleventh-hour injunction that would have prevented merger of international conglomerates.
- Successfully prosecuting numerous actions combatting breach of restrictive covenants and theft of trade secrets.
- Guiding telecommunications company through merger with another Fortune 100 company.
- Defending Fortune 50 company in SEC investigation involving the proper reporting of environmental remediation reserves.
- Defending securities trader in a massive investigation involving the Department of Justice, FBI, SEC and NYSE.
- Negotiating post-acquisition deal with Fortune 10 company, resulting in full release and 50% recovery of attorney fees.
- Successfully representing athlete banned from international sports because of use of prescribed medication.
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